The master's degree is taught in classroom-based modality, and simultaneously in streaming for specific accesses, since teaching is essentially face-to-face.
The face-to-face classes are held in the Edifici Blanc (UAB Foundation headquarters, Vila Universitària area), which has computers with a connection through the Anella Científica and the most used specialized software in the academic and professional world (MiraMon, Envi, ArcGIS, etc).
Most of the bibliography for the Master is in English. Learning materials are provided in Spanish and in Catalan, and in selected subjects in English. In general terms, at he master aproximately 80 % of classes are taught in Spanish and 20 % are taught in Catalan; naturally the students can express themselves oral or writing in emails, documents, etc, in the language that they prefer (typically
Catalan, Spanish or English). Past experience has shown that students with a Romance language (Spanish, Italian, etc) background are able to
follow explanations in Catalan in less than one month. The UAB offers free Catalan courses. Contact to the International Welcome Point for more details:
International Welcome Point (IWP)
Campus de Bellaterra-Plaça Cívica
TEL. +34 93 581 22 10
FAX: +34 93 581 25 95
Schedule: from 9:30 to 19 h.
Wednesday from 9:30 to 15 h
(July and August from 9:30 to 15 h).
Students receive a personal UAB e-mail address, a UAB card which gives the holder access to the University’s libraries and map banks as well as significant
discounts at the University Language Centre (SIM), the Sports Centre (SAF), etc. For further information, please contact the International Welcome Point.
The enrolment fee includes a full license for MiraMon so that it can be installed on a personal computer.